Friday, June 17, 2011

Top five animal food preparations PETA would love (page 1 of 2)

     Naaah! I was lying! These are the following foods PETA would hate! Cook a batch of these and you might have a bunch PETA protesters flocking in your doorstep. As of now, these animal welfare activists are try to amend a new law on the Animal Welfare Act, wherein all food processing should be tried on humans first. Nice try lame vegans! Why not stick to your vegan cornbread and vegan pancakes?!

     Here are the following top 5 awesome foods that requires you to torture its live ingredients in order to prepare it. Eating them is isn't enough, they should first feel the pain!!! 

Rocky Mountain Oysters
(The Rocky Mountain Oysters Wiki? Try this new tasty article!)
There goes your balls cow! And also your sex life!
Bull balls - best meat from the cow.
      No, this is no seafood that breeds up high on a rocky mountain, rocky mountain oysters are actually North American delicacy made of balls or testicles that were snatched away from a live bull or cow. These balls are can be cooked just like any other meat and believed to be an aphrodisiac.
     Bulls are usually kept alive and taken cared of after this process. But without their balls attached between their legs, this simply means no more sex, no more life. Who wouldn't be tortured by that?

Pinikpikan(The Chicken Wiki? Try this new article about this chicken soup!)

This chicken can't even recite the fraternity hazing pledges.
This pinikpikan packs more punch
than Thai chicken soup (from the
chicken's standpoint).
     At first, you will think that some chicken just joined the Alpha Sigma Sigma fraternity. But then, after seeing the boiling pot nearby, you will realize that this is more than just a initiation rite, its an execution!
     Pinikpikan is a Philippine delicacy prepared by beating a live chicken with a stick prior to cooking. This process bruises the chicken's flesh, making its blood collect into its surface, which is said to improve the chicken's flavor after cooking. The act of beating the chicken violates the Philippine Animal Welfare Act of 1998... but then, who cares? It tastes bloody good! Next chicken please!

Shark Fin Soup(The Shark Fin Soup Wiki? Try this new article about Shark Fin!)
The shark's fins are considered a
delicious delicacy, unfortunately no
one wants the rest of the shark.
As most Chinese waiters ask their costumers... soup fin shark sir?
     Shark fin soup is a popular soup item of Chinese cuisine. It was once served only on special occasions but now on the menu of common Chinese restaurants.
    The fins of sharks are extracted in a process called finning. Because people are only after the fins, the live shark that is now without fins are a thrown back into the sea. Unlike some balls-less cows who got to live after the mutilation, these bleeding finless sharks sinks into the ocean and dies a very slow death. All that for a soup!

Go to Top Five Animal Food Preparation (Page 2 of 2)

Top five animal food preparations PETA would love (page 2 of 2)

Ikizukuri(The Sushi Wiki? Try this new article about this live sushi!)

If only this fish could commit harakiri...

How to make a sashimi? That's boring! Try ikizukuri! It's more lively... literally.

      Japanese are known for their raw fish sushi and sashimi. Still not gross enough? Why not go for ikizukuri? This food preparation involves surgically cutting away the flesh of a live fish in such away it doesn't kill it. While still gasping for breaths, the shredded fish meat is placed back on the poor fish as if the chef wants to reconstruct the dying fish and then serve it customer.
     In this way, the fish will have a chance to witness his untimely death. Just because Japanese people practices harakiri, it doesn't mean their fish deserves ikizukuri. Take that fish! Hiyaaaah!

Foie Gras(The Foie Gras Wiki? Try this new article about Foie Gras!)
In some cultures, duck sauce comes first before the butchering.
What is foie gras? Yup, it's a yummy diseased liver.
      French love their ducks. They love them so much that they feed them like tons (duck tons) of food per day. Well, that's what they claim...
     These ducks are actually forced fed everyday through a tube that is forced jammed into their throats. This process is repeated everyday until their liver is fattened up 12 times its normal size. To ensure this abnormal growth rate, these ducks are place into a very tight cage that hinders their mobility and prevent them from doing any form of exercise.
     When the time is right, the ducks are butchered and had their diseased liver harvested. This bloated organ is highly prized among gourmet cooks and eaters.

BONUS: Baby Eel Tofu

(The Tofu Wiki? Try this new article about tofu!)
Tufo and baby eels... perfect combination!
Is it mapo tofu? Is a korean tofu? No, its Tofu from Hell!!!
      Want to perform a magic trick and taste it at the same time? Get some live baby eels into a pot of water. Drop a cold block of tofu and boil the water. Soon, the eels will magically disappear!
     What really happened is when the water gets hot, the live eels panics and looks for a colder place. They dig themselves onto the tofu hoping not to get cooked. Because the cooking process is longer than they taught, the live eel inside the tofu will eventually get cooked and served. Now, eat your eels kids!

Go to Top Five Animal Food Preparation (Page 1 of 2)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My OMG Facts: Top Five Wargames (page 1 of 2)

Wargames - an activity that lets you experiencing the thrill and challenge of real warfare without the consequence of death. Many people love playing war games especially if it involves shooting their friends. Some people do it for the adrenaline rush, some do it to brag how rich they are with their high-end equipments, and some do it because they simply suck in basketball.

Here are the following My OMG Facts Top 5 wargames played all over the world:

(The Spitball Wiki? Try this new article about Spitball!)
You won't spit on me? I'll spit on you then!
      Spitball is a small piece of paper, chewed and shaped into a slimy lump, and then blown through a straw to hit a target. Victims usually don't notice that they are being attacked until they felt the wet projectile sticking on their neck. While this activity seems harmless, surprised victims tend to retaliate back in melee mode, taking this war game into a whole new level. This is where the real fun begins.

Laser Tag
(The Laser Tag Wiki? Try this new article about Laser Tag!)
See me firing my laser! Weeee!
      Laser Tag is a wargame activity where players attempt to score points by shooting their opponents with a hand-held infrared-emitting targeting device. In addition to their gay looking guns, players are also required to wear gay looking infrared-sensitive vests that alerts them if they got tagged.
     Before the invention of Laser Tag, wargamers held anything that looks like a gun then point to each other while shouting "Pew! Pew! Pew!". Oddly, they still do that even with Laser Tag at hand.

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My OMG Facts: Top Five Wargames (page 2 of 2)

Nerf(The Nerf Wiki? Try this new article about Nerf!)
My nerf mod is way cooler than your nerf mods... now tremble in fear!
    War games are never complete without projectiles flying around. If you want to play with a gun that actually shoots something and still retains your gayish look, then Nerf is perfect for you. You will even look even more stylish with its available nerf gun mod kits and accessories.
     While this hobby wont get you any girlfriends, its a sure way to impress your 5-year old neighbors. For them, you are awesomely cool! Prepare to get nerfed!

Paintball(The Paintball Wiki? Try this new article about Paintball!)
I am a paintball forum moderator! Show yourself or you will get banned!
      What so good about paintball is that it shoots balls of guess what... paint! Originally invented by some smart painter who wants to do his job while lying down on a hammock, that dude later found out that its also a fun way of adding hardship to his friends' laundry chores.
     There are several theories on how this pranking device later became a popular sport but this one is the most credible. When the American government abolished the use of lead-based paint decades ago, paint manufacturing companies has to find some way on how to dispose their non-compliant paints left unsold in their stock. They made it into balls and promoted some paintball forums and tournaments. This has significantly fueled the popularity of the game and also their pockets.

Airsoft(The Airsoft Wiki? Try this new article about Airsoft!)
This pose is for the Airsoft forum... in an actual game play, we run like sissy little girls.
      Although Airsoft guns shoots only plastic pellets, its realistic look takes Airsoft on the top of this My OMG Facts list. Players often play this war game based on military simulation scenarios while wearing realistic military attires. The military are even using this babies on their training exercises.
     The best thing about this war game is if you suck in playing, you can make it up with your superior looks. Nothing can make you feel like Rambo like Airsoft does.

Go to Top Five Wargames (Page 1 of 2)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My OMG Facts: Five Planets closest to the Sun (page 1 of 2)

This My OMG Facts will remain true for the next thousands of years unless planet Mars will go off-orbit or some world renowned scientists declares that giant chunk of floating rock named Mercury is no longer qualified to be called a planet anymore. Until then, we will all have to stick to these facts about the planets closest to the sun and go on with our lives.

Jupiter (The Jupiter Wiki? Try this new article about Jupiter!)
      Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun and the largest planet within the Solar System. It is a giant gas planet which is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium.
     Currently, many ambitious businessmen are now working hand-in-hand with some ambitious scientists to find ways to tap the Jupiter's massive supply of helium back here on earth. Many business experts has foreseen that their will be a great increase in demand of helium based party balloons within the next few decades as a result of the ever growing human population. This phenomenon has presented a new and lucrative business opportunity in the future.

Mars(The Mars Wiki? Try this new article about Mars!)
      Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and it has half the diameter compared to Earth. The planet is named after its original inhabitants, the Martians, who went extinct thousands of years ago. The surface of Mars mostly consists of iron oxide which gives its reddish appearance. 
      Terraforming Mars was in fact already proposed several years ago and research have confirm that it is very possible and economically feasible. What halted the humanity from terraforming Mars until now are actually the world renowned scientists who are involved in this project. They are still arguing with each other whether to go for the Japanese garden design or French garden design in landscaping the Mars surface. Both parties refuse to proceed into the implementation of terraforming Mars until one them gives in with the other parties demand.

Go to My OMG Facts (Page 2 of 2)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

My OMG Facts: Five Planets closest to the Sun (page 2 of 2)

Earth(The Earth Wiki? Try this new article about Earth!)
      Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun and the densest of the eight planets in the Solar System. Home to millions of live organic species including humans, Earth is currently the most populated astronomical body in the solar system. About 71% of the surface is covered with salt water oceans; the rest is land and garbage.
       The diameter of Earth is 12,756 km and the Earth rotation spins at 24 hours per day (OMG! I never knew that!). If you can compute the our planet's circumference and speed of rotation, I bet you can make your teacher say "OMG" too! Especially if you're computing while not wearing anything...  

Venus(The Venus Wiki? Try this new article about Venus!)
      Venus is the 2nd planet from the Sun with size and gravity nearly similar to Earth. The atmosphere of Venus consist of an opaque layer of sulfuric acid cloud and its surface is mostly covered with volcanoes and lava, making it a bad picnic destination.

Mercury(The Mercury Wiki? Try this new article about Mercury!)
      Mercury is the nearest planet from the sun and smallest planet in the Solar System. It has a rocky body which consists of approximately 70% metallic and 30% silicate material.
      When the nerdy scientists from NASA are asked what can we benefit from this planet in the near future, most of them responded; "production of robots with b00b implants". No wonder they are very eager to mine this planet for its resources.

I would like to apologize to all fans of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, my blog is only about the top 5 planets. And to all Pluto fans… I really don’t want to discriminate but please accept the fact Pluto is not a planet and you don’t belong here.

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